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I think it's do-able. Adding up all my monthly bills totalling $770, with estimates of $150 for food and $100 for miscellaneous and I'll quit smoking (shouldn't be that fucking hard I'm down to like a pack a week) leaves me with a defecit of $270 per month. That really should be do-able at the club. It's possible but not common for me to make that in one night, but certainly on Saturdays I should be able to pull out a minimum of $100, and there are at least four Saturdays every month.

I was also thinking that perhaps I could work something out where I do a cross-over shift, like 6pm to 9pm or 10pm on weekdays. Girls are never on time, and that way the DJ wouldn't have to beg day girls to stay on an hour until the night girls arrive.

And, let's be realistic here, if I get sick or something and can't work the club & need cash, I have people I can borrow money from. It's not like there'd be shame in it - my marriage fell apart and I wasn't exactly counting having to pay 100% of all my bills when I took this 4mer!Corps job. It would work really well if Ponge moved out at the end of March. After Michelle's wedding I'm golden on extra financial/travelling burdens. Sorry but birthdays and parties and whatever else are just going to have to go on without my participation.

Sigh...is it really selfish of me to want to stay married so I can retain health benefits? Maybe I should really get off my ass and schedule those dental cleanings, eye exam, and physical therapy sessions I've been slacking on.

Speaking of the club, I don't think I'll be working at it tonight. I am doing such a good job of being a grown up that I was wiped out at 1am last night and then woke up at 8:30 this morning completely ready to go and unable to fall back asleep. Without appropriate sleep, the night shift is hell. Plus, I've discovered a huge pimple on my ass (where the hell did that come from? very atypical for my ass skin behavior), which I'm taking as a sign from god not to go in. That's right, god is sending me divine signals in the form of ass pimples.

And while it would be wise to work a lot and save up, it is also wise to take care of one's self and I have had a fucking nasty flu/cold combo for about a week now. Rest and cigarette-free environments are in order. By rest I mean drinking margheritas, eating junk food and watching Heathers; hopefully with Isabelle tonight. Sounds fucking fabulous.

Now...how to bring up the whole, hey can you move out, thing. Plus there is a part of me that gets scared and thinks maybe it's not the best idea. Although, typically when I obsess about anything this much it's a pretty good sign that I need to put aside my doubts and go with it.

11.02.06....11:15 am


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/20.10.09....5:45 am/ meow.

/18.08.09....11:42 am/ 21 Jump Street

/14.08.09....10:49 am/ findin somethin to DO

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

this is a space maker

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