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I'm bored out of my fucking skull. I spent, uh, wasted, a good deal of time watching Sex and the City this evening, but now I've finished with it and don't really want to watch the Netflix movies I somehow foolishly ordered along with trashy shows that allow me to zone out of my life completely.

So. I'm grounded. It's day two. I decided to ground myself for ten days because on Tuesday, once again I stayed out until about 4am after intending to simply stay out until about 10pm. On the plus side, I saw some interesting experimental music that I wanted to knit to. On the negative I spent a bunch of money on beer and taxis. Dumb.

I took a vacation day for tomorrow, which will be the biggest waste of a vacation day EVER. I have a doctor's appointment at 11am and all the running around between doctor and work hardly seemed worth it. I need my annual, I think I have a yeast infection (first real one ever - from ages 9 to 15 I had doctors that didn't seem to recognize that what I interpreted as a yeast infection was actually just fucking DISCHARGE and was constantly treating myself for infections I never had), I need birth control, I need STD testing, I need physical therapy again for my stupid assed hip and possibly my neck again, I need prescriptions to help me quit smoking, I need a referral to a psychiatrist (I tried to call a clinic near my house and they were scheduled out until MAY. MAY! Are there that many fucked up people with insurance??) I need many things. I should make a list or I'll forget. Ug.

Well. New Year's resolutions? A decent car, $5000, and a travel plan; all by January. I think I should be able to get something not too shitty for about $2000, no? I need to work my ass off and be more frugal. I need to be more serious about things. I agree with Miss Asshat in some respects, I do need to slow down on the party. But not for some fucking relationship, for ME. So. I'm grounded until January 13th, when I will be departing for Eau Claire. Then my rule will be NO drinky drinks on the weekdays. Unless I'm having a beer at my house, that never seems to spin off into a 4am adventure.

No h0rror m0vie night, no casual beer with a friend, no nothing. Bad Kelly. Bad. I want a cigarette. Which is stronger - my desire to smoke or my desire to stay in the confines of my den (um, apartment)? I would be forced to walk ALL THE WAY to the store. God, that's like 6 blocks or something horrendous. Is that how you spell horrendous?

I need to fix this yeast infection (assuming that's what it is!), it's getting in the way of masturbating.

05.01.06....9:22 pm


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private entries.

/20.10.09....5:45 am/ meow.

/18.08.09....11:42 am/ 21 Jump Street

/14.08.09....10:49 am/ findin somethin to DO

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

this is a space maker

#recommend my diary to a friend.