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So...just a quickie and I'm off to read at my local coffee shop.

What's in the news..well, I chipped my tooth having sex with Ponge. It's not real obvious (i.e. doesn't require cosmetic attention) and didn't hurt for more than a second, but I keep feeling it with my tongue and as a result that spot on my tongue is getting sore.

I got back into town last night at about 4am and pretty much just crawled into bed and passed out. Got up at about 10:30am this morning, showered, and watched episodes of Huff and Queer As Folk all day. Very satisfying.

Possibly my last night ever dancing was yesterday. Kind of a shame in that I had just figured out how to flip myself upside down on the pole and slide down holding on with my legs and one arm. Another couple months and I think I would have been pretty bomb at pole tricks. I'll have to take up some other form of physical activity to stay in shape and push my body's limits and be able to eat whatever the hell I want whenever I want. I am still young, but at some point my metabolism is going to slow down a lot more than it has and I'm not terribly interested in watching what I eat.

Besides, months of people assuming I'm really athletic has got me sort of interested and confident in pursuing something athletic. I always hated sports with a passion, and found gym particularly useless. Yet somehow I have a body that people believe is evidence of an athletic past/present. Lucky gene combo, I guess.

While in SmallTown we stayed at this total fucking dive of a hotel - excuse me, a motel. We were planning on driving back on Tuesday night but Carrie got a migraine and I had been drinking enough that I didn't want to risk getting pulled over. Then her car wouldn't start anyway & her boyfriend ended up driving two hours to pick us up at 2 in the morning on Wednesday night and the two hours back, although he had a meeting in the morning.

Anyway, back to the dive of a motel Tuesday. So, I had nothing with me for an overnight and this fuckin place had no heat whatsoever. I mean, it had heaters and they were hot, but the heat didn't seem to leave the small area around the heater. So Carrie and I wore all of our clothing & socks & winter fuckin coats under the blankets because I think it was a lovely -7 degrees or so outside.

I woke quite a bit in the night because I was uncomfortable and cold. At one point I woke up to see Carrie leaning on the dresser to my left. It was real dark so I just saw her form. Her head was bent over & she was putting her pants on but her top was this sort of dancer dress/hooker top thing and I could hear a sort of jangling, like change in her pants or a belt. I was wondering what the fuck she was doing, because it looked like she was getting ready to leave. She was also right by my stuff and so for a second I wondered if she had taken my credit card or something & was trying to skip out. It seemed really fucked up, and then I felt the bed move to my right & bolted up in bed to get a good look and realized Carrie was actually still laying in bed next to me. So I whipped my head back to the left with the thought - So who the fuck is that? But the person was gone. There was no one in the room but the two of us.

Well I'll tell you I'm getting creepy shivers just writing about it. I don't know what the hell that was. I was relieved that it wasn't a real person, because that freaked the shit out of me when I thought there was some random other person in our locked motel room. So it was either some sort of waking hypnopompic hallucination, a vision, or a ghost.

My immediate thought was that it was a vision, and very symbolic. Carrie and I both talk about how we're burnt out and we want to get out of the business. So what I saw was like the spirit of stripping or something, leaving. Carrie thought it was a ghost since the place was sort of a no-tell motel and there is actually a pretty good amount of prostitution that goes on in Smalltown. Maybe a dead prostitute or some such thing, she says she attracts ghosts. Well I've never seen a ghost, I believe in the possibility of ghosts but never really believed for sure any story anyone has ever told me about a ghost experience they've had.

So maybe I've seen a ghost. Maybe not. But it was audio and visual and although it was dark, this was no the curtain looks like a monster sort of mistake. This was very clearly a stripper/prostitute looking woman with shaggy blondish sort of hair and dangly earings wearing a ruffly top and putting pants or something on her legs, getting ready to go. Whatever she was putting on was jangling with movement. She was leaning against a desk. There was no coat or anything draped against the desk that I mistook for a person. Just she was there, I looked at Carrie, I looked back and she was gone.

You know, the wind makes tree branches tap our second story apartment window, and it's freaking me out right now cuz I'm home alone. So time to hit up the coffee shop.

23.12.04....5:28 pm


this is a space maker more space m.comments(1).

this is a space maker

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private entries.

/20.10.09....5:45 am/ meow.

/18.08.09....11:42 am/ 21 Jump Street

/14.08.09....10:49 am/ findin somethin to DO

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

this is a space maker

#recommend my diary to a friend.