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Sleep is apparently not for me tonight. Maybe it's too hot or my cat is too annoying, I dunno.

Thursday at work two people from the R3vo1ting C0cks came in and sat around for a couple hours. They put me and this other girl I work with on their guest lists for the M!n!stry/"R3vCo" show Friday night. Then they invited me to hang out and drink on their tour bus after work, but I was a little sketched out about being alone drinking with strangers on a bus and by the time I got someone to go with me & called dood back to tell him I was coming after all they were basically passed out so I said fuck it.

And Fri night I didn't feel like going to a fucking show either, so I didn't go and I didn't call dood to say, hey, I'm not going. That's right, I'm so fucking hip I stood up M!n!stry. Hah. Ha. Haha.

Well, there's the DeV0tchKa show tonight, which should be good. And is also free, coz I agreed to poster for their show and they sent me posters but like the asshat I am, I completely failed to put up their posters and actually Am3lia is the one who passed out the flyers at Pride so really she should get the guest list privilidges.

Hmmm...there is a wicked storm brewing. It's been terribly hot and muggy and now we've got some thunder and lightning happening and the cat's acting all crazy. I read for a couple of hours when I got home today and then couldn't sleep. I spent the last two nights with Boyface. There's something real going on there but I find myself spending time in bed with him instead of doing what I need to do/being productive, which I need to learn to balance a little more. It's just that I enjoy spending time in bed with him quite a bit, and can be with him in bed for hours after we wake up.

What else? Work. I wasn't able to work at the Club for over a week after I got back from Chiapas due to having developed hives all over my body, so this week has been major crunch time trying to get the rent. I'm still $215 short. I hope this rain comes and goes quickly so that there is decent business for day shift. This whole week has been incredibly slow and has been more difficult than usual to get any money out of the club. Rent is due today, technically, but I think if I get it in by the 5th my landlord isn't going to say anything about it. There have been times in the past that we didn't pay our rent until the 5th and never heard a peep from her about it. So if day shift is total shit I can always just keep working until I have the rent. Between day shift today and Sunday night shift I should be able to come up with the money and make a deposit on Monday.

The Domme stuff is going incredibly slowly. They don't fucking advertise for shit. The web stuff is finally up, which is great and all, but how do they expect customers without any advertising? I have yet to get one fucking client from them and I've been working with them for months now. I'm kind of pissed about it...

Sunday afternoon N4tasha and I are going apartment hunting. I'm excited to have roommates again. As much as I've enjoyed living alone as a transitional thing, I'm a pretty social creature and I'm looking forward to the benefits of living with friends again. I'm sure there'll be lots of things that piss me off, too, but I think it will be more rewarding than coming home to my cat.

Well, I'm going to do some work on the Chiapas presentation and try to get some sleep before work so I'm not a total zombie.

01.07.06....5:31 am


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/20.10.09....5:45 am/ meow.

/18.08.09....11:42 am/ 21 Jump Street

/14.08.09....10:49 am/ findin somethin to DO

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

this is a space maker

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