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Hm. Am I feeling kind of meloncholic because:

A. I left the W3llbutr!n at my slut job, so I'm on some kind of anti-depressant withdrawal?

B. I snorted pain killers last night, so I'm on pain killer withdrawal?

C. I got mildly drunk last night, so I'm on alcohol withdrawal?

D. Some friends of mine were in town last night so I skipped out on working a double, and just worked the day shift, where I earned $70 and have already spent $50 of that on food, beer, and taxi fare; thus leaving me far far short of my goal of $250 for the weekend?

E. I got super trashed on a very minimal amount of booze (one beer, one long island) on Thursday and resultingly called in sick to work for Friday (I was sick, felt like crap all day and finally hoarked hard around 9pm; it tasted so bad I puked again just from the taste, and the whole time it splashed up in my face GROSS) AND I can't remember a single fucking thing for a certain time period and I'm worried about what I might have said or done and did I get rufied or something coz really, that ain't that much booze..

F. I just answered a bunch of stupid questions on a survey about relationships and realized that I don't want one night stands and I don't want to be in a relationship and I'm still faking our relationship to the people at work?

G. I'm listening to political hip hop which is certainly depressing in it's truth and emotive capabilities.

H. I am probably going to call in sick tomorrow so I can go make some money at the club.

I. If I was going to do that I really should have worked tonight but I was too lazy and indecisive.

J. Apparently the person did break all the way in after all, and s/he broke our one fucking washer and one fucking dryer for the goddamn QUARTERS in there. Seriously, meth freak-o, we're stealing laundry quarters from a teeny apartment building now? How can that possibly be worth it? And I heard gun shots last night. Son. Of. A. BITCH. I LIKE this neighborhood assholes.

K. From an initial assessment of our taxes, it appears that we are only getting $390 from Federal and actually OWE the State $40. I purposely took out extra taxes from my paychecks, how the fuck is it possible to earn as little as we did combined and still owe the stupid assed can't spend it's tax money decently anyway state of Minnesota??? I wonder if P can claim all the money he sent home as a deductable?

I need a vacation. Just like a week to do absolutely nothing, whatever the hell I want. No travelling anywhere, no nothing. Just vacation!

Oh, here is fun! My coochie kind of itches again. Am I now going to get a yeast infection every time I have my rag? Do I need to buy a new keeper or what? What is the fucking problem?


05.02.06....10:18 pm


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/20.10.09....5:45 am/ meow.

/18.08.09....11:42 am/ 21 Jump Street

/14.08.09....10:49 am/ findin somethin to DO

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

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