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holy fucking piss. i'm still a little in shock, so i don't really know how to tell this story other than to say thank you nuni!

nuni is a guy that works security at the club and he just saved four of us walking to alexus's car from getting accosted with a knife at five in the fuckin empty downtown morning. we were leaving the club and the five of us were going to car pool home, with all of our cash from the night on us. we always walk in a group for safety but this time it wouldn't have helped at all.

first one male walks up to us right outside the club door saying, excuse me, excuse me. nuni wasn't about any shit - he told him to get on, go on muther fucker, etc. the guy left. then another asks for the time and its the same thing - nuni aggressively telling him to get the fuck on. we cross the road and god i cant even remember if it was the same one or a different one starts saying some shit from across the road. nuni backed him off as well, about to run across the road and beat him down...the guy backed off. then we turn a corner and start to cross the road towards the parking lot and this other guy at a bus stop starts to cross the road diagonally right towards us, hollering at us. nuni heads towards him and we (the four girls) pick up the pace to get the fuck to the car. nuni cracks him one right away and they start to square off and we pick it up even more. we all get in the car in a scramble and nuni is headed towards us but the guy is still following him at about a twenty foot distance.

we lock all the doors - alexus is in the driver's seat, three of us are in back, I'm in the right hand side of the back seat, ready to work the lock for nuni if he needs to jump in but keeping it locked. nuni and the guy are circling the car and i see that the guy has a fucking steak knife. nuni has called 911 already and we are all really freaked. i'm scared but ready for conflict if it comes to it - there are five of us and one of this guy although you know all those crack heads that came up to us earlier all know each other and i really hope nothing fucking happens jesus christ the other girls are saying 'im really scared' and im saying, look there's four of us, meaning we might get hurt but we do out number the guy and finally, finally one police car shows up in the far corner of the lot & nuni is whistling to him to get there. the guy sees the cops and puts the knife in his front pocket and then walks around the back of the car and throws the knife. three more police squads show up with their lights all on and they handcuff the guy with no problems. as much as i'm afraid of the police i also am really grateful for them in certain situations. thank you mpls police department!

i tell the police officer that he had a steak knife and we have to pull the car forward so they can find the knife and nuni tells the police the 911 operator heard the guy say to nuni - i'm going to kill you and we all give our accounts of what happened and our names and birth dates and are given a case number as we've been declared victims of assault with the intent to murder or something to that effect.

if nuni hadn't been with us we would have all lost all the money we just made and god knows what else might have happened. i dont want to ever leave that club again at night without him or another male with us. fuck feminist theory, a male is at least a good deterent and in this case i know we would have simply lost everything that was with us if not worse. not that a female isn't capable of doing what nuni did, but i know none of us probably were.


anyway. we stopped and got gas and i pumped it. nuni told me he kinda took a likin to me and didn't really like to hear females swear. i told him i've had a foul mouth for a looong time. but i dont really swear around certain customers. alexus walked into the conversation (every one else had gone into the gas station for one thing or another) and said, fuck that, i swear all the fuckin time.

when i got dropped off i tipped nuni $20. i probably should have done more, because really, i don't think i would have had any of it left and probably my whole bag of clothes & make up and purse would have all had to have been replaced.

maybe i should order some illegal mace off the internet. at least that might slow someone down and give me a chance to run. i don't think i have any other experiences in my life that really compare to that one. maybe the time when i was 15 and got trapped on an empty road with my friends by some jock fucks and they tried to pull the driver, my boyfriend at the time, out of the car and beat his ass but instead just beat what they could through the open door. why the hell that door wasnt locked when they came at the car is beyond me. maybe shaun (the bf) thought the situation was something other than what it was...

fuck i hope i get that job with the nonprofit. a nice safe environment where i am doing something i can talk about without getting that mixed reaction or the questioning of x y and z.

this is one story i dont think i will be relating to my mother as long as i keep working at the club. im on for tomorrow night as well and i said i'd call her tomorrow. she is probably anxious enough and i told her that i felt safe there. which is true, inside the club i feel perfectly safe. i have always felt nervous leaving at night, and now i have some memories to build that up. one thing that makes me feel a little better is that alexus, who has been stripping for 10 years said that it was the scariest thing that had ever happened to her after closing. so at least i know that it used to be rare. i have no clue as to what may happen in the future, of course. neighborhoods and situations change. and this definitly confirms that i will not be doing any bachelor party work. it's not safe enough.

well. its obvious that i didnt go to the concert & whatnot with charlie and sydney (who was also in the car tonight). i decided not to spend the money and not to lose the money i wouldnt earn by not being in sunday night. people don't have to work on monday so hopefully it should be good. when i told sydney that i wasn't going she told me neither was she. and charlie didn't show up tonight. so that settled that.

anyway. i didnt make that much tonight. i got some good tips ($60), but only took home $115 from dances. i think i got over charged in dances as well since i paid out $108 and i only had about $150 before i tipped out the non-dancer workers. so thats more like 45% taken out. fuckers.

i need to eat. i need to take a shower. i need to take my keeper out, since my period is over. i need to go buy birth control since i'm out. i'm glad ponge isn't here tonight because i don't want to tell him yet. i guess i have to tell him but i dont want to. i don't want him to worry. i don't want anyone to worry, but i will be telling my friends, and i will tell ponge, and i suppose i will eventually tell my brother and mother.

05.09.04....5:19 am


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/20.10.09....5:45 am/ meow.

/18.08.09....11:42 am/ 21 Jump Street

/14.08.09....10:49 am/ findin somethin to DO

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

/10.08.09....12:06 pm/ still bored

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